2005 Kathy Lundmark, Calgary, AB

Kathy Lundmark was a high-performance coach who worked in clubs in Calgary, Alberta for over 20 years.

She was a Level 4 Coach and Master Coach Developer in the National Coaching Certification Program whereby she assisted with training, evaluating, and certifying coaches across Canada.

As a member of the Squash Canada Coaching Committee, Kathy contributed to content revisions when the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) system was updated to a ‘competency-based education training’ program in 2003. Some of the work included new reference manuals, workbooks, coaching courses, evaluation toolkits and training Coach Developers.

Kathy Lundmark won 11 Canadian championships, 40+ (1985,1982), 50+ (1991), 55+ (1997,2000), 60+ (2001,2002,2008,2009), 65+ (2005,2006). She also captured the Gold Medal in the 65+ age category at the Worlds Masters Games in Toronto 1985 and the Gold Medal in the 75+ age category at the Worlds Masters Games in Edmonton 2005.