You don’t have to be a professional athlete or a physical education teacher to be a coach. Many people become coaches because they want to help others. As a coach, you will learn to problem solve, make ethical decisions, enhance your public speaking and become a leader in your community. Coaching is also a great way to stay physically active, build self-esteem, learn new things and refine the skills you already have. Many coaches become great not only by helping athletes, but by helping other coaches develop. If you are passionate about the sport of squash and motivated to help others, then you have the makings of a great coach! Being a great coach takes passion and dedication; it requires education and training.
Squash Canada Coaching Committee
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) was developed by the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) and its partners. Why be a Coach – the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has outlined the ‘Benefits of Coaching‘ and ‘Coaching in Canada‘.
Squash Canada Coach Pathways
Squash Canada’s Coach Certification Program aligns the NCCP with our Long-Term Development model. The program is designed to ensure that coaches are properly trained and certified to develop our athletes in the best way possible. Each coach pathway has various requirements to progress coaches through the NCCP Training and Certification Pathway – In Training, Trained and Certified.
It is important for coaches to understand that the NCCP is not linear, which means a coach may enter any Coach Pathway. Coaches should determine what kind of coaching you want to do and what kind of athletes you want to work with prior to selecting the applicable Coach Pathway.
Important: Squash Canada is currently conducting a major review of the Coach Pathways below. Our goal is to streamline the program and current requirements may change upon completion of the review. All coaches are strongly encouraged to complete any unfinished requirements in their current coach pathway.
- Community Sport Stream ***
- Instruction – Beginners Stream **
- Instruction – Intermediate Stream *
- Competition – Introduction Stream *
- Competition – Development Stream *
* Effective August 1, 2021
** Effective September 1, 2022
*** Launched January 1, 2023
Squash Canada adheres to a 5 year cycle to review and revise all sport specific content and related materials (ie. Coach Workbook for coaching courses).
Coach Challenge Process
Squash Canada encourages coaches to go through the outlined training and certification process. However, Squash Canada has outlined a process to encourage active coaches who have not yet been certified in the NCCP to potentially bypass certain training requirements and be recognized for prior learning and experience. Coaches are required to fully understand the Coach Pathway and associated training components they would like to challenge based on the athletes they work with as outlined in the Long-Term Development model. Coaches are invited to challenge the evaluation in any of the Coach Pathways linked above.
Information and Application Form – Click Here
Do you know your current certification status? Visit ‘The Locker‘ database to view your Coach Profile.
Coaching in Squash eLearning module
This module will introduce you to what it means to be a coach and to the essential knowledge you need to develop athletes in squash and physical activity. It will also introduce you to the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), to which Squash Canada is aligned in its coach certification.
You will explore the following topics:
- the structure and goals of the NCCP
- the roles and responsibilities you take on as a coach to meet the needs of the athletes
- the stages of the Long-Term Player Development framework
- strategies for preventing and managing risks to the athletes’ safety and wellness
- how to plan the program and lessons
- knowledge of various skills, and how to teach them and give feedback based on the athletes’ development and performance
By completing this module, you will gain the knowledge and tools to develop your coaching skills in squash, as well as the language you need to be effective in what you do.
The Coaching in Squash eLearning module is a mandatory prerequisite that a coach must successfully complete before attending the in-person squash-specific training course. This applies to both pathways within the NCCP Competition stream: Introduction and Development.
Note: The module only needs to be completed once for coaches who opt to complete both NCCP pathways.
You are taking a confident step toward being an effective coach and learning how to provide athletes with a positive sport experience. Let’s start!
Cost: $35
Coaches who are maintaining their certified status will receive 5 Professional Development (PD) points upon completing this eLearning module.
This eLearning will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You may complete the module in multiple sittings. Once you have completed the Coaching in Squash (Competition Stream) eLearning module, the module will appear in your coach transcript.
Squash Canada is committed to coaching excellence and is therefore pleased to announce the new Mandatory Coach Certification Policy.
The Mandatory Coach Certification Policy is effective November 16, 2023, and will adhere to the following implementation plan:
- Phase One – coaches must complete the:
- Intermediate Coaching Course and Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation by January 1, 2025
- Provincial Coaching Course and Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation by January 1, 2025
- Phase Two – coaches must be a:
- Certified Club Coach by January 1, 2026
- Certified Provincial Coach by January 1, 2026
To review the Mandatory Coach Certification Policy – Click Here
NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport introduces new or experienced coaches to the foundational skills of coaching, such as long-term athlete development, ethics, coaching motivation, and athlete safety and wellness. It also teaches the key coaching concepts and educational tools that are the foundation of the NCCP.
The CAC is proud to present this module in partnership with Decathlon Canada, a retailer and creator of sports gear, apparel and experiences. This partnership will empower coaches with knowledge and skills to enhance the experience of all participants in sport.
This NCCP eLearning costs $15 and will take one hour to complete. Visit the eLearning page in the Locker to get started.
** Squash Canada highly recommends all squash coaches, volunteers, teachers, etc. complete this eLearning module to gain a better understanding of key coaching concepts in the NCCP.
The NCCP offers coaches the opportunity for training and evaluation in ethical decision-making through the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, and Online Evaluation.
By successfully completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. The training helps coaches identify the legal, ethical, and moral implications of difficult situations that present themselves in the world of team and individual sport.
Upon completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be able to:
- analyze a challenging situation and determine if it has moral, legal or ethical implications; and
- apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to properly respond to situations in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.
This module is a cornerstone of the NCCP, and leaves coaches with no doubt as to what to do when the going gets tough.
Register for the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training through your local Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCRs). FIND TRAINING
Once a coach has completed their training, they can test their decision-making skills by completing the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation in the eLearning page of the Locker. Successful completion of the evaluation is necessary for coach certification in any NCCP program.
Coaches that have completed the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions training, and have it listed on their transcript, will have FREE unlimited access to the NCCP Make Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation.
Frequently Asked Questions – Click Here
NCCP Multi-sport Training: Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCR) are responsible for hosting NCCP Multi-sport Training Modules. In addition, the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has a Course Calendar that lists many of the upcoming NCCP coaching courses across Canada. Note: Not all PTSA’s or PTCR’s currently list courses on this calendar and coaches are encouraged to review all available calendars for upcoming courses.
Squash-specific Training: Provincial/Territorial Squash Associations (PTSA) are responsible for hosting Sport-specific NCCP Coaching Courses. For information on upcoming courses:
The Coaching Association of Canada and Squash Canada recognize the value of having Certified NCCP Coaches engage in Professional Development to reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing amongst the coaching community. Maintenance of Certification is the NCCP policy that requires NCCP Coaches to maintain their certification through Professional Development and training opportunities over a predetermined period. Squash Canada follows the minimum five year cycle to accumulate PD points to maintain Certified status (or Trained status if the sport requires it). PD points from approved activities are applied to your Coach Transcript on the Locker for the activities you complete. Coaches must accumulate between 10 and 30 PD points, depending on the stream they are certified in for each 5-year PD cycle. The 5-year cycle begins as soon as a coach becomes certified. Coaches that don’t gain enough PD points by their maintenance cycle end date will have their Coach Transcript listed as “Certified: Not Renewed”. Coaches should contact Squash Canada for information regarding renewal of certification. Frequently Asked Questions – Click Here. A coach can view their maintenance of certification requirements on the maintenance page of their CAC Locker – Coach Transcript.
There are many ways to accumulate points. Events that are organized by the CAC, your NSO or PTSO, or PTCR will advertise the number of PD points associated with the event. The following is a list of Squash Canada, CAC and other Associations with programs that allow coaches to gain PD Points towards their Maintenance of Certification.
Values-Based Coaching: A True Sport Approach is an e-learning course designed for coaches at every level of sport.
The course will introduce coaches to values-based coaching and True Sport, expand their understanding of long-term development, and explain the connection between Safe Sport and True Sport.
Coaches will be provided with True Sport information, tools, and approaches to support the delivery of values-based programing. The interactive course highlights how using the True Sport Principles will establish positive and enriching sport experiences for all, with reflection activities to connect personal coaching experiences to True Sport. And of course, coaches will be provided with resources to implement what they learn in practice.
This course will give learners:
- Information, tools, and approaches to deliver values-based programming through True Sport,
- An opportunity to reflect on their coaching philosophy, and,
- Resources to help them use True Sport as a tool in values-based coaching.
Why is this course important?
Values are ideas that are important and meaningful to individuals and can influence their motivation and decision making. Incorporating values into coaching can ensure positive experiences and foster a culture of good sport. This course:
- Provides an opportunity for coaches to learn how to leverage the benefits of good sport from a platform of shared values,
- Demonstrates the importance of embedding values into practice, and,
- Provides ideas for coaches to implement values through activities that are relevant to the coach and participants.
Course Details
Coaches who maintain their National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) certified or trained status will earn two NCCP professional development points upon completion of this course.
This course will take approximately two hours to complete. Learners may complete the course in multiple sittings. Once the course is complete, it will appear on the transcript in the Locker.
Cost: $15.00
To access the course, log in to The Locker, the Coaching Association of Canada’s e-learning portal
Technical Requirements
For the best user experience, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are the recommended internet browsers.
If course navigation troubleshooting is required, use the menu on the left-hand side within the course window to select the next slide.
For course assistance, contact:
Squash Canada’s Coach Certification Program aligns the NCCP with the Long-Term Player Development model (Beyond the Nick). The program is designed to ensure that coaches are properly trained and certified to develop athletes in the best way possible. Each coach pathway has various requirements to progress coaches through the NCCP Training and Certification Pathway: In Training, Trained and Certified.
This module will introduce you to what it means to be a coach and to the essential knowledge you need to develop athletes in squash and physical activity. It will also introduce you to the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), to which Squash Canada is aligned in its coach certification.
You will explore the following topics:
- the structure and goals of the NCCP
- the roles and responsibilities you take on as a coach to meet the needs of the athletes
- the stages of the Long-Term Player Development framework
- strategies for preventing and managing risks to the athletes’ safety and wellness
- how to plan the program and lessons
- knowledge of various skills, and how to teach them and give feedback based on the athletes’ development and performance
By completing this module, you will gain the knowledge and tools to develop your coaching skills in squash, as well as the language you need to be effective in what you do.
The Coaching in Squash eLearning module is a mandatory prerequisite that a coach must successfully complete before attending the in-person squash-specific training course. This applies to both pathways within the NCCP Competition stream: Introduction and Development.
Note: The module only needs to be completed once for coaches who opt to complete both NCCP pathways.
You are taking a confident step toward being an effective coach and learning how to provide athletes with a positive sport experience. Let’s start!
Cost: $35
Coaches who are maintaining their certified status will receive 5 Professional Development (PD) points upon completing this eLearning module.
This eLearning will take approximately 90 minutes to complete. You may complete the module in multiple sittings. Once you have completed the Coaching in Squash (Competition Stream) eLearning module, the module will appear in your coach transcript.
Attendees must have access to a laptop, tablet, etc. to view presentation and ask questions. Space is limited to the 150 registrations (first come first serve). Coaches will receive details on how to access the webinar via Zoom at approximately 9AM the day of the webinar by email. Certified coaches will receive 1 PD point towards their NCCP Maintenance of Certification. To view upcoming webinars – Click Here.
Squash Canada encourages coaches to email with suggestions towards future webinar topics and we will make every effort to accommodate where possible.
Welcome to the Squash Canada Referee Certification online tutorial. This program provides a foundation level training on the rules of squash, and the role of the Referee and Marker. It is not a substitute for the official Rules of Squash which is a resource that all referees and players are encouraged to read and reference on a continuous basis.
The tutorial will take approximately 60 minutes to complete, but you can go at your own pace and complete it in stages. The only exception is the final exam — once you start this, you must answer all questions. If you quit the program before answering all the questions, you will have to start from the beginning of the final exam the next time you log in.
Once you have completed the exam and received a passing score (80%), you can still come back to the program and use it as an ongoing reference, and to review the video examples that illustrate various referee decisions.
Cost: $35
Once you have completed the Online Referee Certification, the module will appear in your coach transcript.
Coaches who are maintaining their certified status will receive 5 Professional Development (PD) points upon completing this eLearning module.
- NCCP training or evaluation events are worth 5 points;
- Non-NCCP events are worth 1 point for each hour they last, up to a maximum of 3 points;
- “Active coaching” will give you 1 point per year;
- “Self-directed learning” will give you a maximum of 3 points per five-year PD cycle.
For a list of NCCP Multi-sport Training Modules – Click Here
Athlete Representation Training: Athlete Director Module
Athlete representation at all levels of decision making within a National Sport Organization (NSO) strengthens that organization. When an athlete sits on the board of directors as an Athlete Director, the perspectives of the organization’s key stakeholders, the athletes, are represented. This module will help current and future Athlete Directors develop the knowledge and skills required to be successful in their role.
AthletesCAN developed this module to support athletes who wish to represent the athlete voice on their National Sport Organization’s (NSO’s) board of directors. Having athlete representation at all levels of an NSO is vital for creating an athlete-centred culture within the NSO and ensuring the needs of athletes are met.
To complete the training – Click Here.
Athlete Representation Training: Athlete Representative Module
Athlete representation at all levels of decision making within a National Sport Organization (NSO) not only strengthens that organization but also ensures that athletes have a voice in the decisions that affect them. Athlete Representatives ensure that the perspectives of the organization’s key stakeholders, the athletes, are heard and acted upon. This module will help current and future Athlete Representatives develop the knowledge and skills required to be successful in their roles.
AthletesCAN developed this module to support athletes who wish to represent the athlete voice to their National Sport Organization (NSO). Having athlete representation at all levels of an NSO is vital for creating an athlete-centred culture within the NSO and ensuring the needs of athletes are met.
To complete the training – Click Here.
Athlete Representation Training: Athletes’ Council Module
Athlete representation at all levels of decision making within a National Sport Organization (NSO) not only strengthens that organization but also ensures that athletes have a voice in the decisions that affect them. Athletes’ Councils ensure that the perspectives of the organization’s key stakeholders, the athletes, are heard and acted upon. This module will equip athletes with the knowledge required to create an Athletes’ Council within their NSO.
AthletesCAN developed this module to support athletes who wish to represent the athlete voice to their National Sport Organization (NSO) by creating and sitting on an Athletes’ Council. Having athlete representation at all levels of an NSO is vital for creating an athlete-centred culture within the NSO and ensuring the needs of athletes are met.
To complete the training – Click Here.
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 2 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are open, observable and justifiable. It is one of three pillars of the Responsible Coaching Movement, along with background screening and ethics training.
After completing the Understanding the Rule of Two eLearning module, participants will:
- Have a solid understanding of the Rule of Two
- Improve their ability to assess and implement preventive measures
- Be aware of questions to ask to determine their sport organization’s policies
Coaches certified through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) can also earn 1 Professional Development point upon completing this eLearning module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
The Support Through Sport series offers training and resources to empower coaches to recognize and take action to address gender-based violence and teen dating violence. For more information including reference materials and downloadable resources visit
Understanding Teen Dating Violence is the foundational module in the Support Through Sport series and focuses on creating healthy environments for sport participants between the ages of 11 and 24 years.
After completing the Understanding Teen Dating Violence eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Identify elements of healthy relationships
- Define teen dating violence
- Take action when teen dating violence is suspected or known
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
In Bystander Empowerment, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills in being a helpful bystander.
After completing the Bystander Empowerment eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize different forms of violence
- Identify helpful and hurtful bystander behaviour
- Use strategies to intervene as a bystander in situations of violence
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
In Gender-based Violence in Sport, you will participate in several activities to help improve your skills at recognizing and reducing gender-based violence in your sport environment.
After completing the Gender-based Violence in Sport eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize forms of gender-based violence
- Identify strategies to use to prevent gender-based violence in your sport environment
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
In Modelling Healthy Relationships, you’ll participate in several activities that will help improve your skills at modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment.
After completing the Modelling Healthy Relationships eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Recognize the elements of a healthy relationship
- Identify opportunities for modelling healthy relationships in the sport environment
- Identify strategies for how to set, maintain and uphold expectations for healthy relationships
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD points by completing this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 3 PD points. To complete the training – Click Here.
Participant-centered coaching strategies are an effective way to establish a safe and inclusive sport culture. By placing participants at the centre of the coaching process, coaches can promote growth and athletic development, foster creativity and learning, and protect participants from harm.
After completing this module, you will be able to:
- Describe the characteristics and benefits of participant-centered coaching
- Explain the types of harm that may occur when a coach misuses their power and how to respond to suspicions or knowledge of maltreatment
- Use positive coaching strategies to create a positive sport environment, enhance safety, and improve learning and performance
Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP Certification will earn 5 NCCP PD points upon completion of this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
PD Opportunities include: Supporting Positive Behaviour and Welcoming All Abilities. If you are a NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 2 PD points. To complete the training – Click Here.
If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 2 PD points. To complete the training – Click Here.
Canadian Women & Sport: Our new Gender Equity LENS e-learning module gives you the information and tools you need to act on your commitment to gender equity, helping you make policy and program decisions to better serve women and girls in your sport.
You’ll learn how to bring a gender lens to your decision-making and create the conditions to support women and girls to participate, lead and stay involved.
Next Gen Men (NGM) is a Canadian leader in engaging and empowering boys and men on topics like mental health and gender-based violence.
This course, Raising Next Gen Men, is for parents, educators, coaches, youth workers, and anyone who understands how much difference one, well-equipped mentor can make in young people’s lives. It will help you understand how boys shape, and are shaped by, a wide array of gender-based cultural norms, by delving into academic research in the field, young masculinity in popular culture, and real stories about boys.
This course will:
- Increase your capacity to form strong connections with boys and engage them in meaningful topics
- Better understand the experiences and perspectives of adolescent boys, and feel more confident in yourself as a touchpoint for positive masculinity
- Stop feeling uncertain or overwhelmed, and start making a difference
To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.

The Sport for Life Society is recognized as the global experts on the Canadian Sport for Life Movement and the Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity framework. The purpose of Sport for Life is to be a catalyst to improve the quality of sport and to increase the development of physical literacy for everyone. Sport for Life, as a social enterprise, links sport, education, recreation, health, and governments to align community, provincial/territorial, and national systems and programming.
PD Opportunities includes: Intro to Physical Literacy, Intro to Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity, Movement Preparation, Effective Board Governance, Effective Communication, Risk Management in Sport and more. If you are an NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1 PD point per module completed. For a complete list of courses and to register, please visit the Sport for Life Campus.
HeadStartPro is the leading online course for coaches who want to achieve excellence but also care about their athletes’ health and longevity. In this course, you will earn 3 PD points (NCCP # is recorded upon registration but coaches are required to use the self-reporting function in the Locker to record the PD points) by learning coaching tools to improve your mental game, team performance, and injury prevention. HeadStartPro is ideal for coaches with athletes in the Learn-to-Train, Train-to-Train, and Train-to-Compete stages of the Long Term Development Framework. The most successful athletes at these levels are set apart by their ability to control their minds and control the moment. However, the biggest problem facing these athletes is injuries. HeadStartPro is the key to helping teams achieve their full potential with performance-driven injury prevention training.
Athlete training resources available – Click Here
HIGH FIVE is Canada’s quality standard for children’s programs. Before HIGH FIVE, no standard existed and there was a clear need for an innovative approach to help organizations enhance program quality and provide positive experiences for children, which would remain with them for a lifetime.
Principles of Healthy Child Development
(7 hour in person training) – 3 Points
Principles of Health Child Development 4-hour
(4 hour in person training) – 3 PD points
Principles of Healthy Child Development-C (2 hour online training) – 2 PD points
Communicating With Empathy (1 hour in person module) – 1 PD point
Introduction to Bullying and Conflict Resolution (1 hour in person module) – 1 PD point
Planning Quality Programs (1 hour in person module) – 1 PD point
HIGH FIVE Sport (5 hour in person training) – 3 PD points
Healthy Minds for Healthy Children (1 hour online training) – 1 PD point
(FREE for anyone who has taken PHCD or Sport)
Strengthening Children’s Mental Health (7 hour in person training) – 3 PD points
Promoting Positive Behaviour (2 hour in person module – Coming Soon) – 2 PD points
Coaches in Canada play an integral role in creating a fair and inclusive environment for their sport. While the impact of racism in sports and coaching can be far-reaching, so can the effects of anti-racism coaching education.
After completing the Anti-racism in Coaching eLearning module, you will be able to:
- Build your knowledge of issues related to race and racism in Canada that affect coaching
- Expand your understanding of how to be an anti-racist coach
- Cultivate your skills in supporting racialized participants in sport
Coaches who are maintaining their NCCP certified or trained status will earn two NCCP PD points upon completion of this module. To complete the training, please go to the eLearning page of the Locker.
PD Opportunities include: Coach 2 Coach Webinar Series (open to anyone), HeadStartPro Coaching eLearning course (open to anyone) and Human Kinetics courses (Ontario Residents only). For more information – Click Here.
If you are a NCCP Certified Coach, you can earn 1-3 PD points – some will automatically appear in your Coach Transcript and some require Self-reporting to your Coach Transcript.
The World Squash Federation (WSF) and SquashSkills have teamed up to create the World Squash Foundation Coaching Award. READ MORE
Certified Squash Coaches in the NCCP that complete the WSF Coaching Award are eligible to receive 3 PD points towards maintaining their certification. Coaches must submit to Squash Canada by email ( proof of completion (Certificate). Squash Canada will record the 3 PD points as Non-NCCP in the CAC Locker database.
Note: The WSF Coaching Award does NOT gain coaches any credit in the Squash Canada Coaching Program and the NCCP.
Coaching HER is a coaching resource that helps sport coaches of girls challenge the status quo and the taken-for-granted assumptions of what it means to coach girls. We are helping coaches minimize gender inequalities and to coach differently.
Coaching HER tackles central and unaddressed issues which negatively impact girls’ and women’s performance, self-perceptions, sport choices, and experiences: coaches’ unconscious gender biases and stereotypes.
The Body Confident Sport initiative was created to help girls and young people of all gender identities feel more comfortable being active and participating in sport. The aim is to empower coaches and athletes around the world to celebrate the truly awesome things active bodies can do.
Coaches are encouraged to follow their Provincial/Territorial Squash Association website and their Provincial/Territorial Coaching Association website for any upcoming coach professional development opportunities such as conferences, webinars and more. These types of activities can provide coaches with 1-3 PD points.
Provincial/Territorial Squash Associations (PTSA) – Click Here
Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representatives (PTCR) – Click Here
The NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma (ACD) is the most extensive multi-sport training program offered by the National Coaching Certification Program in Canada. Coaches holding an NCCP Advanced Coaching Diploma (ACD) are recognized as among the most qualified coaches and leaders of Canadian athletes and sport programs to compete at provincial, national, and international levels.
This unique, multi-sport program is essential for coaches who seek the next step in their coaching careers. Information – Click Here
Squash Canada, in conjunction with our member Provincial/Territorial Squash Associations oversee the recruitment and training of Coach Developers.
Squash Canada follows the NCCP Coach Developer training pathway. All identified candidates will be asked to complete the minimum requirements to become ‘Trained’, which is the minimum status to be a Learning Facilitator and/or Coach Evaluator and will only be evaluated to become ‘Certified’ when ready. For the evaluation of a Coach Developer, Squash Canada uses the evaluation toolkit made available by the CAC.
In addition, all Coach Developers will be expected to complete professional development to maintain currency and national consistency (ie. Coach Developer webinars, NCCP courses and eLearning, etc.) to ensure the Squash Canada Coaching Program and the NCCP is delivered to the highest standard.
If you are interested in becoming a Coach Developer, please review the information below.
Coach Developer Pathway
NCCP Coach Developers are directly responsible for the development of coaches and need to be experts in learning as well as experts in coaching. For Squash, they include:
- Learning Facilitators (LFs): coach developers who deliver NCCP workshops and clinics
- Coach Evaluators (CEs): coach developers who evaluate Portfolios, Practices and Competition for identified coaching competencies
- Master Coach Developers (MCDs): coach developers who are responsible for training new LFs and CEs
NCCP Coach Developer candidates must complete training that is consistent across Canada. To be certified as an NCCP Coach Developer in any of the three roles above, you must:
- Successfully complete the online evaluation NCCP Make Ethical Decisions
- Demonstrate your competency by completing the four-step pathway below
The NCCP now has a simple and universal 4-step process for becoming a Coach Developer. For more details and steps on becoming a Coach Developer – Click Here
- Core-training: Provides NCCP Coach Developers with the skills to perform their role.
- Content-specific training: This includes relevant sport or multi-sport training, as well as micro-facilitation and/or micro-evaluation for an opportunity to practice delivery with peers.
- Co-delivery: New NCCP Coach Developers can practice with real coaches alongside an experienced Coach Developer. NCCP Coach Developers are considered “trained” when they’ve completed the first three steps of the pathway.
- Evaluation: Once NCCP Coach Developers are evaluated as having the abilities necessary for their role, they are considered “certified.”
Coach Developer Characteristics
Learning Facilitator (LF)
- Possess a passion for sport and coaching
- An effective communicator
- Ability to work in a collaborative environment
- Ability to adapt content to meet the needs of all coaches to ensure learning outcomes are met
- An understanding of his/her Provincial/Territorial sport community and the contribution of coaching and sport leadership education
Coach Evaluator (CE)
- A passion for sport and coaching
- Attention to detail and observation
- Effective communicator
- Knowledge of the outcomes, criteria and evidences as outlines in the NCCP evaluation tools
- An understanding of the value of Certified coaches and the contribution of coaching and sport leadership education
Master Coach Developer (MCD)
- A passion for sport and coaching
- A strong communicator and charismatic leader
- Ability to work in a collaborative environment
- An understanding of the Canadian sport community and the contribution of coaching and sport leadership education
- A proven track record of supporting and promoting the importance of National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) certified coaches and familiarity with competency-based coach education
- Flexible work schedule
For more information – Click Here
Contact Squash Canada about becoming a Coach Developer –
A Chartered Professional Coach designation or a Registered Coach license signals to employers, participants, and parents that a coach is committed to excellence and the highest ethical standards. Read More
Need coaching insurance? Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc. (CIBI) in conjunction with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), has formed an exclusive National Insurance Program for Coaches across Canada. All levels of licensed, registered coaches, team leaders, mentors, training instructors and fitness coaches are considered who are in good standing with the CAC. For more information – Click Here.
Here are some additional resources to help explain the flow of Squash Canada’s Coach Certification Program within the NCCP and Long-Term Development models.
- Coach Development Model
- Participant Development Model
- Coaching Program — Long-Term Development Alignment