2014 Mark Sachvie, St. Catharines, ON

    Mark Sachvie was the Racquets Director at The Club at White Oaks for 32 years.

    Mark is one of Canada’s premier event organizers and builders of squash. He hosted over 220 squash tournaments during his illustrious career including 10 Canadian Junior Opens, 2 Canadian Junior Squash.  He bid to host the  2014 Women’s World Team Squash Championships which are being held December 1 – 6, 2014 and in his honour, a small group of people have come together to realize his dream.

    On the court he was a leading squash professional, coaching thousands of squash players in Canada, and organized annual events to Europe with various Canadian players.  He helped place hundreds of players in US Colleges including his three children, Chris, Lauren and Nick, all of whom attended Cornell University.

    Mark Sachvie gave so much of his time to squash; his daily phone log was jammed.  He was many things in his squash life – the consummate tournament organizer – the ardent founder and chair of Squash Ontario’s junior committee – the curator of the Ontario Squash Hall of Fame – a twice Canada Games coach – international tour organizer – a mentor to young squash professionals – an advisor to squash owners and managers – a fun and influential coach to hundreds of young squash player and oh yes, he somehow found time to sit on the Squash Ontario Board of Directors as President for the past 3 ½ years.

    He was a visionary – the junior structure in place in Ontario and in the United States – Bronze, Silver and Gold events came from his imagination, as did the Battle of the Border, an annual Ontario versus United States junior event.  He was the creator of Squash Ontario’s annual charity golf tournament which, over the past decade, has raised more than $35,000 for junior squash.