The Coaching Association of Canada and Squash Canada recognize the value of having certified NCCP coaches that are engaged in Professional Development programs which reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing amongst the coaching community.
The Coaching Association of Canada and Squash Canada recognize the value of having certified NCCP coaches that are engaged in Professional Development programs which reinforce the values of lifelong learning and sharing amongst the coaching community.
In order for NCCP coaches to maintain their certified status, they will be required to obtain Professional Development (PD) points. PD points can be earned through a multitude of activities that coaches already participate in, including: national and provincial sport organization conferences and workshops, eLearning modules, NCCP workshops, coach mentorship programs, and active coaching. In most cases coaches are already earning their required PD points — Maintenance of Certification Status is simply the introduction of tracking these points and recognizing coaches for their efforts.
Your Professional Development activities and points are tracked on your transcript in The Locker. As part of your ongoing commitment to coaching, all certified coaches will be required to maintain their certification by accumulating PD points over a set time frame. Click on the “Professional Development” button for details about professional development.
Coaches must accumulate between 10 and 30 PD points, depending on the context they are certified in, in each 5-year PD cycle. The 5-year cycle begins as soon as a coach becomes certified in competitive introduction; for coaches who were certified prior to 2014, the 5-year PD cycle began on January 1, 2014 and will expire on December 31, 2018.

Webinar: Egyptian Open Game Style
Tuesday April 21st, 2020 – Noon to 1:00PM EST
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Webinar: Understanding Officiating for Coaches
Thursday April 30th, 2020 – Noon to 1:00PM EST
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~ General Information & To Register ~
Webinar: Developing High Performance Habits
Wednesday May 20th, 2020 – Noon to 1:00PM EST
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