Ottawa, Ont. – Following the 2019 Red Deer declaration for the prevention of harassment, abuse and discrimination in sport, a series of Provincial/Territorial and National Safe Sport Summits, and with both the directive and financial support of the Government of Canada, Squash Canada is pleased to announce its new Safe Sport programming.
Designed to act as a foundation that helps prevent and address maltreatment, Squash Canada’s commitment to Safe Sport focuses on providing safe, welcoming, and inclusive sport environments.
“Squash Canada has developed and implement numerous initiatives aimed at keeping Squash safe for all athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and support staff,” said Dan Wolfenden, Squash Canada Executive Director. “Developing an integrated approach to safe sport, developing and revising applicable policies, and the creation of a third-party reporting mechanism are among the many initiatives launched.”
Squash Canada is very proud to promote Safe Sport initiatives in some of the following ways:
- Access to a Canadian Sport Helpline
- Access to an independent third party to receive complaints or reports, independent professional investigation and case management
- Mandatory training for the prevention of harassment, abuse and discrimination for all roles connected with Squash Canada
- A Screening process that includes Disclosure Forms and Police Record Checks for roles in a position of authority and who have direct access to athletes
- A complete Safe Sport policy suite
- Promotion on concussion safety, a Concussion Protocol and Return to Squash Protocol
Squash Canada is engaging in discussions with its Provincial/Territorial Squash Associations to support and align its safe sport policies and practices through to the community level in support of safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for participants at every level of squash.
For more information on Squash Canada’s safe sport initiatives, visit