2016 Can-Am Cup Starts Today

    Starting today, 60 of Canada's top doubles squash players hit in Wilmington, Deleware to compete for the 2016 Can-Am Cup. From 8:30am until 9:00pm, 40 matches, plus the official opening ceremonies are set to take place (the full schedule for Day 1 can be found below)

    Starting today, 60 of Canada's top doubles squash players hit in Wilmington, Deleware to compete for the 2016 Can-Am Cup. From 8:30am until 9:00pm, 40 matches, plus the official opening ceremonies are set to take place (the full schedule for Day 1 can be found below)

    Often referred to as the "Ryder Cup of Squash", the Can-Am Cup is a biannual doubles squash competition between Canada and the United States.  Competing over the next three days, the the best two teams in each age group (Open, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, and 75+) for men and women, will play three matches each. 

    2016 Can-Am Cup Team Canada members:
    Alex Carter
    Jeff Lurie
    Robert Hong
    Chris Sachvie
    Mike Leckie
    Eric Baldwin
    Steve Burnham
    Chris Deratnay
    Paul Zander
    Scott Stoneburgh
    Dean Brown
    Alan Grant
    Taylor Fawcett
    Bart Sambrook
    Andrew Slater
    Steve Lawton
    Ingus Sigallis
    Fred Reid
    Alan Hunt
    Pat Richardson
    Steve Hisey
    Brian Covernton
    Michael Letourneau
    John Boynton
    Tim Griffin
    Brian Murray
    Sean McDonough
    Dave Potter
    Chris Wheeler
    Jim Bruce
    Molson Robertson
    Peter Hatcher
    David Bogert
    Mike Wilson
    Ritchie Bell
    Seanna Keating
    Stephanie Hewitt
    Marcia Sier
    Nicole Pirko
    Lindsay Auld
    Kathy Conquergood
    Annette White
    Kirsteen Burton
    Julie Multamaki
    Sara McNeill
    Jody Warden
    Tammy Sangster
    Robbin Morrison
    Michele Ramsey
    Diane Naughton
    Cathy Covernton
    Megan Hill
    Cathy Tuckwell
    Francis Frost
    Ruth Castellino
    Lindsey Hermer-Bell
    Lolly Gillen
    Sybille Witt
    Laura Ramsay
    Squash Canada sends it good luck to those 60 athletes as they battle to win the Cup for Canada for the second time in the history of the event; the first win coming for Canada in 2012, the last time it was held state-side.
    Yesterday, Squash Canada announced the club selected to host when the event returns north of the border in 2018.  As the 2016 event gets underway, the Toronto Cricket Skating & Curling Club will be making notes and starting preparations for their turn at hosting in two years time. 
    Follow Team Canada as they challenge for the cup, visit http://www.canamsquash.com/2016usa/ for score updates and live streaming.

    Day 1 Schedule: 2016 Can-Am Cup