Congratulations Women in Squash Encouragement Fund Recipients

Squash Canada is excited to announce the 2020 Women in Squash Encouragement Fund Recipients. The Women in Squash Encouragement Fund was established to promote women and girls participation in Squash in Canada. The fund supports stakeholders looking to develop new and/or expand current initiatives that build capacity for gender equity in Squash. This year $7400 in ten $700 and one $400 grants were distributed to eleven recipients across Canada. Congratulations to the following recipients. We look forward to following the impact of these initiatives.  Well Done!


Women in Squash Encouragement Fund Grants



Initiative Name


Carla Dyck

Saskatoon, SK

Women’s Squash Group


Amanda Thompson

Calgary, AB

WHCA Female Squash Development


Britney Selina

Inuvik, NT

Squash For All


Giselle Delgado

Victoria, BC

Victoria Women’s Squash Community Booster


Zain UI Abideen

Edmonton, AB

Women’s Box League


Melissa Shakespeare

Halifax, NS

Squash Girls Nova Scotia


Janet MacLeod

Kentville, NS

Squash for Women


Shelley Neil

Victoria, BC

Growing Female Coaches


Maxym Leclair

Gatineau, QC

Squash au Feminin


Leah Desbarres

Amaranth, ON

Women’s Night Out
– Learn to Squash


Marie Desmarais

Whitehorse, YT

SQUASH the Barriers!



And thank you to all those who applied.  We appreciate your interest and dedication to advancing female engagement in squash.  Squash Canada received over 35 eligible applications from across the country.  Recipients were awarded funding based on the criteria described in the Women in Squash Encouragement Fund Application Guide.

For additional information on the Women in Squash Encouragement Fund please visit the Female Engagement section on the squash Canada website HERE.