OTTAWA, ON, January 7, 2020 – Ontario will be looking to defend their 2019 title as the 2020 Canadian Masters Team Championships are set to begin this weekend (January 10-12, 2020) in the beautiful city of Vancouver. The Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club will be hosting the event for the first time, showcasing their new Squash Centre that opened in December 2016, with four singles courts and one doubles court.
The 2020 event will see seven talented and competitive teams from across Canada (including two teams from British Columbia as the host province), to compete for the national title. At last year’s event, Team Ontario won the Gold over Team Alberta (who took home Silver) in a dramatic come from behind encounter that lasted nearly five hours. Team Quebec #1 took home the Bronze.
The Masters Team Championship consists of seven players per team (four men and three women) in the age divisions of Men’s 40+, 45+, 50+ and 55+ and Women’s 40+, 45+ and 50+. But what makes this event interesting is teams must designate their playing order based on the player’s strength so you may get a 40+ player competing against a 50+ player (and not necessarily a player from their age category).
“It gives Squash Canada and the Canadian Masters Squash Community great pleasure to have Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club bring this terrific event back to beautiful British Columbia,” said Squash Canada President Steve Wren (who will compete as a member of Team Quebec). “For many years now, the Canadian Masters Teams Championships brings together the country’s very best mature squash talent in what would be considered by some, as the most rewarding way to play squash…for their province, in a team format. This is one national event where the squash and athleticism are matched by the social element and camaraderie, yet come Sunday, the 2020 National Champion Team of women and men will be celebrated by succeeding in both. I wish to thank our hosts, Richard Freeman and Victor Berg, your fellow organizing committee, and of course the wonderful Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club for your welcome and hospitality.”
POOL A: British Columbia – B (#1), Quebec (#4), Manitoba (#6)
POOL B: Alberta (#2), Ontario (#3), British Columbia – C (#5), Saskatchewan (#7)
For more information please visit the Event Webpage: Click Here
à To follow live scores via your Phone, Tablet, Computer, etc. — go to Draws — choose Division from the drop down box (ie. Pool A, Pool B, etc.) — then click on the match you wish to follow to open a pop-up box for the live score.
Canadian Masters Teams Championships – Past Champions: Click Here
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