Mayfair Parkway Awarded 2016 Canadian Junior Squash Nationals

    Squash Canada (SC) is pleased to announce that the 2016 Canadian Squash Championships have been awarded to the Mayfair Parkway Club, in Toronto, ON. 

    The 2016 Canadian Squash Championships is slated to take place April 21-24, 2016 and will feature championships in U19, U17, U15, and U13 categories (male and female).

    Squash Canada (SC) is pleased to announce that the 2016 Canadian Squash Championships have been awarded to the Mayfair Parkway Club, in Toronto, ON. 

    The 2016 Canadian Squash Championships is slated to take place April 21-24, 2016 and will feature championships in U19, U17, U15, and U13 categories (male and female).

    “We’re thrilled to partner with the Mayfair Parkway for the 2016 Canadian Junior Squash Championships,” said Dan Wolfenden, Squash Canada’s Executive Director.  “The Mayfair Clubs have a proven history of hosting excellent championships and with Mayfair Parkway Club squash pro Thomas Brinkman at the helm, we are confident that this year’s nationals will be a top-notch event filled with great matchups and exciting times for all the participants, family and fans.”

    The Canadian Junior Squash Championships is a chance to see the future stars of Canadian squash as they begin their journey, so mark your calendars and head to the Mayfair Parkway to support these young athletes.

    Squash Canada was faced with relocating the event due to the closure of the NSA, where the event had been originally awarded.

    Registration and tournament information will be released soon; visit regularly to stay up-to-date on all championship details.

    Britany Gordon
    Programs Manager, Squash Canada
    (613) 228-7724 x202