Prestigious 98th Annual Lapham Grant Tournament

    Ottawa, ON, February 20, 2019 – This is the 98th annual Lapham Grant Tournament between Canada and the United States is taking place February 21-24 at the prestigious Atwater Club in Montreal, Quebec.  The Lapham Grant Matches consist of competitions for the Lapham Trophy (men’s singles), the Grant Trophy (men’s doubles), the Crawford Cup (women’s singles and doubles) and the Lawrence-Wilkins Trophy (men over 65 years of age).  

    Ottawa, ON, February 20, 2019 – This is the 98th annual Lapham Grant Tournament between Canada and the United States is taking place February 21-24 at the prestigious Atwater Club in Montreal, Quebec.  The Lapham Grant Matches consist of competitions for the Lapham Trophy (men’s singles), the Grant Trophy (men’s doubles), the Crawford Cup (women’s singles and doubles) and the Lawrence-Wilkins Trophy (men over 65 years of age).  

    The Canadian Team was able to attract some high level talent, most notably William Mariani (doubles world ranking #10).  Chairman Keith Flavell, Team Canada Captain Josh Schwartz, Michelle Craig, and co-captains Paul Yaphe and Ritchie Bell are ready for their US counterparts and look forward to a weekend full of good squash and fun competition.  

    For a complete schedule – Click Here

    Canadian Team   United States Team
    Player   Hometown   Player   Hometown
    Lapham Grant
    Bertrand, Ray   Beverly Hills, CA   Bolling, Bob   Wilmington, DE
    Carter, Alex   Toronto, ON   Chilton, Ed   Wilmington, DE
    Dingle, Eric   Montreal, QC   Culman, Liam   New York, NY
    Finlayson, Blair   Toronto, ON   Dasani, Kumar   Minneapolis, MN
    Flavell, Keith   Montreal, QC   Dembinski, TJ   New York, NY
    Ginou, Joshua   Toronto, ON   Dolan, Dan   Chicago, IL
    Haider, Ryan   Vancouver, BC   Dunne, Peter   Chicago, IL
    Hong, Rob   Toronto, ON   Endresen, Reed   Rye, NY
    Lamont, John   Montreal, QC   Goodleaf, Randy   New York, NY
    Latremouille, Morgan   Delta, BC   Grant, Alan   Philadelphia, PA
    Lurie, Jeff   Montreal, QC   Harrison, Scott   Richmond, VA
    Mariani, William   Pickering, ON   Hatcher, Jay   Louisville, KY
    Nash, Jay   London, ON   Hoffman, David   New York, NY
    Phillips, David   Montreal, QC   Johnson, Francis   Charlottesville, VA
    Ridgeway, Mark   Vancouver, BC   Joint, Mick   Detroit, MI
    Ryan, Georges   Montreal, QC   Lasusa, Peter   New York, NY
    Sambrook, Bart   Montreal, QC   Mackin, Matthew   Greenwich, CT
    Schwartz, Josh   Montreal, QC   Merrill, Keith   Short Hills, NJ
    Slater, Andrew   Scituate, MA   Miller, Patrick   Baltimore, MD
    Taylor, Matthew   Vancouver, BC   Pagon, Mark   Philadelphia, PA
    Trail, Jerome   Toronto, ON   Patterson, Dylan   Brooklyn, NY
    Watson, Eric   Calgary, AL   Saunders, Jon   Wilmington, DE
    Wren, Steve   Gatineau, QC   Simonton, Will   New York, NY
            Ullman, Bill   New York, NY
    Bishop, Dennis   Montreal, QC   Amos, Clark   St. Louis, MO
    Bovaird, Tim   Toronto, ON   Burton, Bob   Holland, MI
    Dubeau, Bob   Montreal, QC   Day, Howard   Charlottesville, VA
    Frederick, John   Toronto, ON   Eagle, Terry   Carpinteria, CA
    Gailits, Edwin   Toronto, ON   Marmor, Ted   New York, NY
    Godbold, Rea   Toronto, ON   Mosier, Robert   Costa Mesa, CA
    Hungerford, John   Vancouver, BC   Ogelsby, Charlie   Bryn Mawr, PA
    LeHeup, Jon   Toronto, ON   Peters, Gerald   Santa Fe, NM
    Manley, Michael   Toronto, ON   Rice, Richard   Rochester, NY
    Martin, Michael   Montreal, QC   Simonton, Scott   Wilmington, DE
    McBean, Michael   Montreal, QC   Tatum, Kit   New London, NH
    Moore, Malcolm   Vancouver, BC   Winter, Ed   Chicago, IL
    Robertson, Molson   Toronto, ON   Wyant, Jack   Cincinnati, OH
    Schwartz, Howie   Montreal, QC            
    Wheeler, Chris   Toronto, ON            
    Wilson, Michael   Montreal, QC            
    Yaphe, Paul   Montreal, QC            
    Bell, Susan   Montreal, QC   Cobb, Catherine   Atlanta, GA
    Bovaird, Lindsay   Montreal, QC   Fedorowich, Beth   Pittsburgh, PA
    Craig, Michelle   Toronto, ON   Greer, Tracy   Berwyn, PA
    Gillen, Lolly   Toronto, ON   Hoffman, Claire   Denver, CO
    Hungerford, Caitlin   Vancouver, BC   Kessler, Julie   Philadelphia, PA
    Kuru, Kelly   Toronto, ON   Khan, Latasha   Seattle, WA
    Legouffe, Nancy   Montreal, QC   McGowan, Ann   New York, NY
    Nykoluk, Jodie   Calgary, AB   Nolan, Wendy   Hobe Sound, FL
    Savage, Laura   London, ON   Rasin, Beth   New York, NY
    Smith, Anne   London, ON   Roskoz, Bry   Boston, MA
    Wardlaw, Alison   Ottawa, ON   Schafer, Corey   Boston, MA
    Wren, Chloe   Gatineau, QC   Schmidt, Vaughn   Baltimore, MD
            Stuto, Laura   Denver, CO